Friday, July 13, 2007

Pictures of the old and the new

The pictures to the left are pictures of the old and new church. The church was established on September 11, 1932 and the new church was build in late 60's and the early 70's. The pastor of the old church was Pastor B. L. Cox. Members of the church included Mr. and Ms. Frank Weaver, Ms. Winnie Weaver, Ms. Josie Weaver, and Mr. and Ms. Oren Lucas. Brother Oren Lucas served the church as Deacon and Ms. Desma Lucas served the church as Secretary/Treasurer. Ms. Lucas is the only living charter member and is now a member of the Cornerstone Congregational Holiness Church in Rome, GA. She was not only a member of the church but also served as Pastor in the early 30's. In November of 1932, Bro. Cox went to General Conference in Atlanta, GA where he met Bro. Walton Brack. Bro. Cox invited Bro. Brack to Centre to begin what would be a three week revival with prayer meetings continuing throughout the winter. Many people were blessed. The next two years, following the organization of the church, there were approximately 200 men, women, and children saved. And some of the offsprings of the 200 families and friends still attend the church today. The church continued to grow and many souls were saved, santified and filled with the Holy Ghost. Some of the people went different directions due to jobs, families and other reasons organizing several other Congregational Holiness churches in the area and nearby towns. Churches such as Exie, Gadsden, Big Rock, Roberts Chapel, Lylerly Congregational in Lyerly, GA and Cornerstone Congregational in Rome, GA. Twelve ministers were called from this revival. They were Vernon Singleton, Dewey Pierce, William Baker, Raymond Bell, Troy Laney, Venice Kelley, Ruby Cromer, Josie Griffin, Bertha Laney, Nobie Pierce, Julia Laney and Ms. Desma Lucas. The First Congregational Holiness Church Centre, Alabama (white building to your left) was an old white wood building. There was no ceiling in the building and the only means of heating was a pot bellied wood stove. Bathroom facilities consisted of an out door toilet, better known as an "out house". Members begin to remodel the church, adding Sunday School rooms and building a block fellowship hall. In 1966, a brick veneer pastorium was built next door to the church. Pastor Lytelle Murphy and family were the first to make the new pastorium their home. In 1972, under the administration of Pastor Duffie Morgan, our new brick church was built (brick building to your left). The women of the church sold meals every Friday, during school months for two years raising a great amount of money to pay the loan off on the new church. Later, the same year, the old fellowship hall was bricked to match the church. In 1989, after having outgrown the block fellowship hall, a new addition was built. Since 1989 we have added an new heating and cooling unit, new carpet and have remodeled the bathrooms. In 1990 and 1991, we added new drapes and carpet to the sanctuary and sunday school rooms. We also covered the pews in the sanctuary. During these years many upgrades were made to the pastorium to maintain good condition. In the early part of the 21st century, under the direction of President of the Women's Minsitry Department Ms. Betty Singleton Stepps Stephens and Pastor Leslee Bailey, new stained glass windows were purchased by various families of the church and a combined effort by everyone working together. In June of 2002, under the administration of Pastor Leslee Bailey, a new roof was placed on the church after being damaged by a hail storm. In October of 2005 the church updated the parking lot with new paving and striping. In early 2006, the church purchased a heating and cooling unit for the church and parsonage. In March of 2006, the living quarters and dining room of the parsonage, was remodeled and carpet was installed. In September of 2006, our parking lot had to be re-sealed and restriped. In January of 2007, following the election of our new Pastor, Reverend Glen Studdard and wife Ms. Frankie Studdard, new furniture was purchased for the living quarters of the parsonage and vinyl flooring was replaced in the kitchen area. In March of 2007, iron rail was installed to the front and back porches of the parsonage. In May of 2007, the tile flooring in the kitchen and bathroom areas of the fellowship hall were stripped and refinished. In June of 2007 Mike and Barbara Davis, Larry Wilson remodeled one of the bathrooms of the parsonage. As you can see, God has brought our church a long way in the past 75 years. God surely blessed our church with men and women in the early 1930's who had little money, but done a lot of praying, living right staying full of the Holy Ghost. These men and women have done a great work for the Lord and our church. Had it not been for their unselfish efforts, hard wood and many sacrifices they had to endure, we would not have this beautiful facility we enjoy today.


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